We are supporting around 450 orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) in Busia County. SGG provides these underprivileged children with one extra meal a week. Here children at Siguli Orphan Centre are receiving their meal from the Centre kitchen which is greatly in need of repair. This meal of maize and beans is better than the normal maize porridge that they eat as the beans add some protein but we are hoping to improve nutrition further by the addition of vegetables grown at the centre.

Tropical tree planting has both environmental benefits [e.g. soil moisture retention, protection against soil erosion, climate change mitigation] and huge humanitarian benefits [e.g. additional farm income, fruit for better nutrition, own supply of fuel wood from pruning]. Crucial aspects to the success of tree planting are: 1. allowing farmers to plant species of their own choice 2. paying farmers to care for trees during first year after planting.

Between 2014 and 2017 SGG was a partner in the international OPTIONs project which promoted the use of naturally occurring plant pesticides. One outcome of this was the formation of the International Society for Pesticidal Plants (ISPP). This is an African led initiative but Paul and Carole have been key members of ISPP management. Here is a group of farmers preparing pesticidal plants to be used to control pests in their farms in Oyugis, Homa Bay Kenya

We are supporting around 450 orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) in Busia County. SGG provides these underprivileged children with one extra meal a week. Here children at Siguli Orphan Centre are receiving their meal from the Centre kitchen which is greatly in need of repair. This meal of maize and beans is better than the normal maize porridge that they eat as the beans add some protein but we are hoping to improve nutrition further by the addition of vegetables grown at the centre.