SGG was a partner in the OPTIONs project from 2014-2017. This project aimed to increase the use of pesticidal plants among the wider farming community of Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and Zimbabwe through technical innovation, outreach work and the establishment of information networks for all stakeholders participating in the project. If you wish to know more about OPTIONs this can be most readily done by browsing the OPTIONs website at
At the final conference it was agreed that an international society would be set up with the following objectives:
(1) encourage and support research into the efficacy and applied use of pesticidal plants.
(2) provide an international forum in which scientists can communicate and discuss the results of the above research.
(3) establish a pool of expertise which can provide advice and consultancy services to national governments, international bodies, the business community, and farmers.
(4) Encourage the assimilation of scientific knowledge by the business and farming communities so as to facilitate its use in relation to practical problems concerning pest control.
see for details of how to become a member.
We have tried to produce regular newsletters but these are dependent on enough material being provided by members. Some members have produced excellent material and we would encourage you all to make your contribution to the sharing of ideas and expertise.
The latest newsletter can be downloaded here Newsletter April 2021
If you would like a copy of earlier newsletters please email
There are some links to the ISPP website mentioned in the newsletter. This site is still under development so in the meantime you can access the information here.
Angela Mkindi's presentation - Click here
CSIC presentation - Click here
1. Chemical composition of Azadirachta indica and Ricinus communis oils growing in Marigat, Kenya -Click here
2. Cropping systems and field margin vegetation on bean aphids and their natural enemies abundance in dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L.) in Nakuru County -Click here
3.Effects of field margin vegetation on the diversity and abundance of invertebrate taxa in small holder farms in Nakuru County -Click here
4.Effect of Dolichos (Lablab purpureus L.) genotypes and field margin species on bean aphids’ population and their natural enemies -Click here
5.Botanical insecticides and field margin vegetation in the management of aphids in Dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L.) -Click here

There are more than 10 species of pesticidal plant which OPTIONS wish to promote. Some of these species [e.g. Securidaca longipedunculata] are now quite rare, so it will be several years before they are widely used. In order to encourage farmers to start using natural pesticides, some of the recommended species are common weeds [e.g. Solanum incanum, known as 'Sodom apple']. Others have dual usage e.g. Tephrosia vogelii is both a soil improver & a pesticide. Tithonia diversifolia is a common weed, an excellent mulch as well as a pesticide. Azadirachta indica has many medicinal uses. It is also the pesticidal tree with good potential for commercial development. The OPTIONs project formally closed in 2017, but SGG can offer advice to anyone interested in using natural plant pesticides.